Tag Archive for: DysrupIT

Data Encryption: Best Practices for Protecting Your Digital Assets

In today’s digital age, where data breaches are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, protecting sensitive information has never been more critical. Data encryption stands out as a fundamental line of defense, transforming readable data into a coded form that can only be accessed or decrypted by users with the correct encryption key. In this article, we delve into the essence of data encryption, its growing importance, and best practices for securing your organisation’s digital assets, concluding with how DysrupIT can guide and assist in fortifying your data protection strategies and protect you from the increasing number of global cyber threats.

The Importance of Data Encryption

The encryption of your organisation’s and customer data is crucial for protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access, ensuring privacy, and meeting compliance standards set by regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others. It helps safeguard personal data, financial information, and proprietary secrets, mitigating the risks of data theft, leakage, and misuse.

Understanding Encryption Methods

Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric encryption uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. It’s efficient for encrypting large volumes of data and is commonly used within closed systems where the encryption key can be securely shared and managed.

Asymmetric Encryption

Asymmetric encryption, or public-key cryptography, uses a pair of keys: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. This method is ideal for open networks where secure key exchange is a challenge, enabling secure data transmission over the internet.

Hash Functions

Though not encryption in the traditional sense, hash functions play a critical role in data integrity and authentication, converting data into a fixed-size string of characters that act as a one-way encryption.

Best Practices for Data Encryption

Conduct a Data Inventory

Begin by identifying what data you have, where it resides, and its sensitivity level. Prioritize encryption efforts based on the data’s value and risk.

Implement End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)

E2EE ensures that data is encrypted at its origin and decrypted only by the intended recipient, significantly reducing the risk of interception during transmission.

Use Strong Encryption Standards

Adopt strong encryption algorithms and regularly update them to combat advances in cryptographic attacks. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) are widely recognized and recommended standards.

Manage Encryption Keys Effectively

Securely manage encryption keys, ensuring they are as protected as the data they encrypt. Use dedicated key management systems and regularly rotate keys to enhance security.

Educate and Train Your Staff

Awareness and training are vital. Ensure that all employees understand the importance of encryption and follow best practices for handling sensitive information.

Regularly Audit and Update Security Measures

Conduct regular security audits to assess the effectiveness of your encryption strategies and make necessary adjustments. Stay updated on the latest in cryptographic technologies and threats.

How DysrupIT Can Assist

Embarking on a comprehensive data encryption strategy can be daunting, but DysrupIT is here to help. Our team of cybersecurity experts specializes in developing and implementing robust encryption solutions tailored to your business needs. From conducting detailed data inventories and risk assessments to choosing the right encryption methods and managing keys, DysrupIT provides end-to-end support to ensure your digital assets are protected with the highest security standards.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Secure your business’s future by enhancing your cybersecurity practices today. Contact DysrupIT for a personalized consultation, and let us help you build a strong foundation for your cybersecurity strategy. Protecting your digital assets is our top priority, and with DysrupIT, you can confidently navigate the complexities of cybersecurity.

Seamless DevOps Integration: Overcoming Common Hurdles

In the journey to adopt DevOps practices, businesses often encounter a series of integration challenges that can hinder the path to seamless operations. DevOps, a methodology that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, aims to bridge the gap between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). Despite its benefits in enhancing efficiency and agility, the process of integrating DevOps into existing workflows can be daunting. This article explores how to tackle these common hurdles, ensuring a smooth DevOps integration process.

Understanding DevOps Integration

DevOps integration involves melding tools, processes, and culture to achieve a unified workflow between development and operations. The goal is to create a cohesive environment where build, test, and deployment activities can occur rapidly and reliably. Yet, achieving this harmony requires navigating through several obstacles, from cultural resistance to technical disparities.

Cultural Shifts and Collaboration

One of the foremost challenges in DevOps integration is the cultural shift required to break down the silos between development and operations teams.

  • Strategy: Foster an inclusive culture that values open communication and collaboration. Implementing team-building activities and cross-training sessions can help blend the skills and mindsets of both teams.
  • Benefit: Cultivating a unified team culture enhances cooperation, accelerates problem-solving, and improves product quality.

Toolchain Integration

Selecting and integrating a set of tools that work well together across the entire DevOps lifecycle is crucial.

  • Strategy: Choose tools based on compatibility, scalability, and the ability to automate processes. Consider using comprehensive platforms that offer integrated solutions or ensuring that standalone tools have APIs for integration.
  • Benefit: A harmonized toolchain streamlines workflows, reduces manual errors, and increases efficiency.

Automation and Continuous Delivery

Automation is a pillar of DevOps but integrating it into existing processes can be challenging.

  • Strategy: Start small by automating repetitive tasks and gradually expand to more complex workflows. Use continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) to automate the build and deployment processes.
  • Benefit: Automation speeds up development cycles, ensures consistent quality, and allows teams to focus on high-value activities.

Managing Configuration and Compliance

Ensuring consistent configurations across development, testing, and production environments while maintaining compliance can be complex.

  • Strategy: Utilize configuration management tools and infrastructure as code (IaC) to maintain consistency. Embed compliance checks into the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Benefit: Streamlines environment setup, reduces configuration errors, and ensures compliance is integrated into the DevOps process.

Monitoring and Feedback

Effective DevOps integration requires ongoing monitoring and feedback mechanisms to continuously improve.

  • Strategy: Implement monitoring tools that provide real-time insights into application performance and user feedback. Use this data to inform development priorities and operational improvements.
  • Benefit: Continuous monitoring and feedback enable proactive problem-solving, enhance user satisfaction, and guide strategic improvements.

How DysrupIT Can Assist

Navigating the complexities of DevOps integration can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. DysrupIT specializes in helping businesses overcome the hurdles of DevOps integration. Our experts provide tailored solutions that address your specific challenges, from cultural transformation and toolchain integration to automation and compliance management. With DysrupIT, you gain a partner committed to streamlining your DevOps journey, ensuring your business can leverage the full benefits of DevOps integration without compromising on quality or efficiency.

Effective Incident Response: How to Prepare Your Business for Cyber Threats

In the digital age, cyber threats are a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. From small startups to large corporations, no one is immune to the risk of cyber attacks. However, the key to minimizing damage and quickly recovering from an incident lies not just in prevention but also in preparedness. This guide will walk you through creating and implementing an effective incident response plan with DysrupIT by your side.

Understanding Incident Response

Incident response (IR) is the organized approach to addressing and managing the aftermath of a security breach or cyber attack. The goal is to handle the situation in a way that limits damage and reduces recovery time and costs. An effective IR plan is a critical component of any comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

Step 1: Establish an Incident Response Team

Your first action is to put together a dedicated team responsible for executing the IR plan. This team should include members from various departments, not just IT. Roles include incident response manager, security analysts, and communications officer, ensuring a wide range of skills and perspectives.

Step 2: Develop Incident Response Procedures

Next, develop clear procedures for responding to different types of cyber incidents. This includes identifying potential threats, creating action plans for various scenarios, and defining clear steps for containment, eradication, and recovery.

Step 3: Set Up Communication Plans

Effective communication is crucial during and after an incident. Establish protocols for internal communication among team members and external communication with stakeholders. Preparing templates for announcements can help streamline the process during a high-pressure situation.

Step 4: Implement Detection and Analysis Tools

Utilizing the right tools to detect and analyze threats is essential. Invest in technologies that can help identify suspicious activities early on. This might include advanced malware detection, network monitoring, and intrusion detection systems.

Step 5: Define Response Strategies

For each potential threat, develop a tailored response strategy. This involves detailed plans for how to contain the threat, remove it from your systems, and recover any affected operations. Consider the implications of each action, including downtime and potential data loss.

Step 6: Conduct Training and Simulations

An IR plan is only as good as the people executing it. Regular training for your IR team and staff will ensure everyone knows their roles during an incident. Conducting simulation exercises can test the effectiveness of your plan and identify areas for improvement.

Step 7: Review and Update the Plan Regularly

Cyber threats evolve rapidly, and so should your IR plan. Regularly review and update your plan to incorporate new threats, lessons learned from exercises, and changes in your business operations.

How DysrupIT Can Help

Crafting a comprehensive incident response plan might seem daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. DysrupIT specializes in guiding businesses through the complexities of cybersecurity preparation and response. Our team of seasoned experts can help you assess your vulnerabilities, develop a custom IR plan, train your staff, and even conduct simulated cyber attack exercises. With DysrupIT, you’ll have a partner dedicated to ensuring your business is equipped to manage and recover from cyber threats swiftly and efficiently. Let us empower you to face digital threats with confidence and resilience.

Contact us today to have a chat about your organisation’s needs.

Starting with DevOps: A Practical Guide for Businesses

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency and agility are key to staying competitive. This is where DevOps – a blend of development and operations – comes into play. For businesses contemplating starting with DevOps, it marks a transformative journey toward faster and more efficient product delivery. This guide aims to provide a practical roadmap for businesses at the cusp of their DevOps adventure.

Understanding DevOps

DevOps, at its core, is a methodology that combines software development (Dev) with IT operations (Ops). It focuses on collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, aiming to shorten the development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. Unlike traditional methods, DevOps encourages a culture of collaboration and rapid response to change.

Assessing Your Business Readiness for DevOps

Before diving into DevOps, it’s essential to evaluate your business’s readiness. Ask yourself:

  • What business challenges do you hope to address with DevOps?
  • Is your organization ready to embrace cultural and operational change?
  • Do you have executive buy-in and support for this transformation?

Your answers will help align DevOps strategies with your business goals. At DysrupIT, we can assist you in assessing your readiness and specific needs in various areas of your organisation.

Laying the Foundation for DevOps

Embracing DevOps starts with culture. Foster an environment of open communication and collaboration. This cultural shift is foundational and requires buy-in from all levels of the organization, especially leadership.

Selecting the Right Tools and Technologies

A successful DevOps journey is often underpinned by the right set of tools. These include version control systems, continuous integration tools, and automation platforms. The selection should be driven by your specific business needs and the ability of these tools to integrate into your existing environment seamlessly.

Implementing DevOps Practices

Implementing DevOps is a step-by-step process:

  1. Start with Continuous Integration (CI): This practice encourages developers to merge their code changes into a central repository, where automated builds and tests are run.
  2. Move to Continuous Delivery (CD): CD automates the delivery of applications to selected infrastructure environments.
  3. Establish Continuous Deployment: This takes CD further by automatically deploying all code changes to a production environment after the build stage.
  4. Incorporate Continuous Monitoring: To maintain high-quality standards, continuous monitoring of the application and infrastructure performance is crucial.
The DevOps Lifecycle - DysrupIT - DevOps and Cybersecurity Specialists

The DevOps Lifecycle Explained Visually

Enhancing Collaboration and Communication in DevOps

A crucial aspect often overlooked in DevOps is the emphasis on fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration. This section of the article could delve into:

  • Breaking Down Silos: Discuss strategies for dismantling traditional silos between development, operations, and other departments. This could include cross-functional teams, shared goals, and regular inter-departmental meetings.
  • Effective Communication Tools and Techniques: Highlight the importance of communication tools (like Slack, JIRA, or Confluence) in facilitating transparent and timely communication. Emphasize practices like daily stand-ups or regular check-ins that keep teams aligned and informed.
  • Building a Collaborative Mindset: Offer insights on creating a collaborative mindset, such as encouraging team members to share knowledge, participate in pair programming, or conduct joint problem-solving sessions.
  • Case Studies: Present real-world examples or case studies where effective collaboration and communication significantly improved a DevOps initiative, illustrating the practical benefits of these efforts.

Overcoming Common Challenges in DevOps Implementation

Transitioning to a DevOps model can be fraught with challenges, but recognizing and addressing these hurdles is key to a successful implementation. Some of the most common challenges include:

Resistance to Change

Many organizations face internal resistance when introducing new methodologies. Overcoming this involves:

  • Communicating the Benefits: Clearly explain how DevOps will improve workflows and end results.
  • Involving Teams Early: Get input from various teams during the planning phase to increase buy-in.
  • Providing Training: Equip your team with the necessary skills and understanding to adapt to DevOps practices.

Skill Gaps

DevOps requires a blend of development and operations skills that might not exist in your current team. Addressing this challenge includes:

  • Identifying Skill Gaps: Conduct an assessment to determine what skills are lacking.
  • Investing in Training and Development: Offer opportunities for existing staff to learn and grow in the areas required for DevOps.
  • Hiring for Missing Skills: If necessary, bring in new talent that possesses the requisite DevOps expertise.

Tool Integration Issues

DevOps relies heavily on various tools, and integrating them can be complex. To navigate this:

  • Select Complementary Tools: Choose tools that are known to work well together or offer integrations.
  • Seek Expert Advice: Consult with DevOps experts or vendors to understand the best ways to integrate tools.
  • Start Small: Begin with a core set of tools and gradually integrate additional tools as needed.

Cultural Shifts

DevOps isn’t just about tools and processes; it’s also about cultural change. To facilitate this shift:

  • Promote Collaboration: Encourage open communication and collaboration across all departments.
  • Emphasize Learning from Failures: Create an environment where learning from mistakes is valued over blaming.
  • Encourage Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of regular feedback and continual development.

By systematically addressing these challenges, businesses can ease their transition into DevOps and set the stage for long-term success.

Measuring Success

Success in DevOps can be measured through various KPIs like deployment frequency, change lead time, change failure rate, and mean time to recover (MTTR). These metrics provide insight into the effectiveness of your DevOps practices.

Embarking on a DevOps journey is a strategic move towards operational excellence. This guide provides the groundwork for starting with DevOps, but the journey is continuous and evolving. Embrace this change, and you will see significant improvements in your software delivery and operational efficiency.

Ready to start your DevOps journey? Contact us for a consultation or explore DysrupIT’s resources on DevOps tips and best practices to streamline your operations. Let’s make your transition to DevOps a successful one.

DysrupIT™ and SolCyber Host First Cyber Round Table in the Philippines

Elizabeth HermosuraWith an impressive professional background in cybersecurity, Elizabeth has held key executive positions throughout Asia-Pacific and Japan. Her extensive experience has played a pivotal role in the exceptional growth and success of DysrupIT™. Her invaluable expertise has transformed the company into a thriving multi-million-dollar global enterprise. dysrupit.com

Come Join Us At The Bahay Tuluyan Annual Fundraiser – Sponsored by DysrupIT

As an integral part of the Australian IT industry, DysrupIT™ believes that our commitment to social responsibility extends beyond providing top-tier technology solutions. We understand the importance of uplifting and supporting the communities we are a part of, locally and globally. We are thrilled to announce our sponsorship of the first-ever Bahay Tuluyan Annual Fundraiser, an event that brings together great food, company, and a noble cause.

The event is a wonderful opportunity to support Bahay Tuluyan Philippines Australia Inc. (BTPA), a volunteer-run organisation that tirelessly works to protect the rights of children in the Philippines. They’re on the frontlines, actively preventing and responding to instances of child abuse and violence. By attending the event, you are directly supporting these efforts to create a safer world for children.

When you step through the doors of the elegant venue, you’ll be greeted by a lively atmosphere brimming with good food and even better company. The evening kicks off at 18:00 and goes until 21:30 (AEST), offering ample time to engage with fellow attendees, learn more about BTPA’s impactful work, and contribute towards this life-changing cause.

Tickets for this unforgettable evening range from $150.00 for individuals to $1,400.00 for a table of ten, and we guarantee that it’s an investment you won’t regret. Every cent of your ticket price will be donated directly to BTPA’s operations in the Philippines. Every dollar makes a difference, and your generous contribution can change the lives of these vulnerable children.

In addition to buying tickets, you can also make direct donations to BTPA. Every penny counts and we are immensely grateful for any support you can provide. Remember, 100% of your donations will directly fund BTPA’s commendable mission.

We’re thrilled to have you join us on this journey to make a tangible difference in the world. By standing together at the Bahay Tuluyan Annual Fundraiser, we can show our collective strength and commitment to children’s rights. We look forward to seeing you there!

On behalf of DysrupIT, we thank you for your support and generosity. Together, we can make a world of difference.

To buy tickets or make a donation, CLICK HERE.

Event Details

Date and time

Thu 24 Aug 2023, 18:00 – 21:30 (AEST)


12 Micron
Tower 1, Level 2/100 Barangaroo Ave
Barangaroo, NSW 2000


$150.00 – $1,400.00

Purchase Now


Don’t forget to share this event with your family, friends, and colleagues – the more the merrier!

With warm regards,
The DysrupIT™ Team


We’re here to help. Feel free to contact us with any queries you may have regarding the event or your contribution. We’re committed to making this experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible for you.

Contact DysrupIT: [email protected]

Contact Bahay Tuluyan: [email protected]

DysrupIT™ Partners with Hubspot to Enhance Complete CRM Services for Small to Medium-Sized Organisations

[SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA] – DysrupIT, Australian based Cloud and aaS advocate, announces partnership with CRM platform provider, Hubspot, a premier CRM which integrates across the enterprise of scaling companies to deliver single-view best-in-class customer experience.

The Hubspot relationship brings a complete end-to-end CRM tool to DysrupIT’s portfolio of services. This combination supports small to medium-sized organisations looking to modernise and automate their customer relationship management operations.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with Hubspot, a leader in the CRM industry,” says DysrupIT™ Head of Alliances and Partnerships Marco Hermosura, “This partnership will allow us to offer a comprehensive solution to our clients, combining our managed security services and digital transformation capabilities with Hubspot’s premier CRM platform. DysrupIT’s engineering capabilities will support Hubspot implementations. Our focus will be targeted expertise in integration between Hubspot and clients’ SaaS and legacy applications.”

“As an advocate of Cloud and aaS, DysrupIT’s strategy for SMEs is to provide pragmatic transformation solutions that allow them to manage their businesses through data driven decision making and automation,” DysrupIT™ CEO Andrew McCarroll says. “Hubspot is a great fit. As a SaaS platform, it delivers modernisation benefits to SMEs previously the domain of more expensive enterprise software. We will help accelerate this with our engineering capability, building out critical integrations between Hubspot CRM and other functions across the business.”

For more information about DysrupIT’s partnership with Hubspot, please contact Marco Hermosura at [email protected].

About DysrupIT: DysrupIT™ is a leading Australian-based Cloud services company. We support clients across the globe in their adoption of the cloud and their transformation to as-a-Service business models. DysrupIT™ is dedicated to making a positive impact in the communities it serves. www.dysrupit.com.

About Hubspot: Hubspot is a premier CRM platform that enables clients to grow their businesses by integrating all its hubs to create a seamless customer relationship management experience. Founded in 2005, Hubspot created an ecosystem uniting software, education, and community to help businesses grow every day. https://www.hubspot.com/

DysrupIT™ Partners with Philippines NGO – Bahay Tuluyan Changing The Lives of Children 

MAKATI, PHILIPPINES – DysrupIT, a leading Australian IT Cloud services company, announces its partnership with Bahay Tuluyan (BT). This non-government children’s rights organisation helps to prevent and respond to the abuse and exploitation of children in the Philippines.

DysrupIT’s connection to the Philippines runs deep, with a large Team in-country, managed by Filipino-born Australian owner Elizabeth Hermosura.

Hermosura said, “The partnership with Bahay Tuluyan is a clear choice. I’ve always wanted to support vulnerable children and youth in my country of birth. The partnership is a major step in realising this goal. It’s fantastic to find a partner on the ground with shared values and objectives.”

Bahay Tuluyan, meaning “forever home” in Filipino, has three centres in Manila, Laguna, and Quezon. Hermosura says, “Our partnership with BT will ensure Catherine Scerri and her Team can focus on providing ongoing emergency services to those in need. This includes long-term accommodation for homeless children and young adults.”

BT’s holistic programs also provide life skills to teenagers and young adults. It helps prepare them for adulthood, accessing education and on-the-job training. Hermosura said, “Our support will be long-term and broad reaching. It includes direct financial assistance to operate BT’s centres, monthly delivery of essentials packages like clothing and personal items, to hands-on involvement from the DysrupIT™ Team. Our goal is to set BT residents on the path to independence.”

DysrupIT™ will also offer paid internships and provide education through its Udemy-powered online training platform.

“We look forward to our partnership with Bahay Tuluyan and what it can achieve for the future generation of Filipino youth,” said Elizabeth Hermosura. “To give children and young people the care they need is close to my heart. Every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment. We are proud to work with Bahay Tuluyan on this mission.”

DysrupIT™ will also help coordinate fundraising in Australia through BT’s Melbourne-based Foundation.  This will be led by Marco Hermosura, ANZ Country Manager, and the Australian Team.

For more information about DysrupIT’s partnership with Bahay Tuluyan, please contact Elizabeth Hermosura at [email protected].

About DysrupIT: DysrupIT™ is a leading Australian-based Cloud services company. We support clients across the globe in their adoption of the cloud and their transformation to as-a-Service business models. DysrupIT™ is dedicated to making a positive impact in the communities it serves. www.dysrupit.com

About Bahay Tuluyan: Bahay Tuluyan is a non-government organisation that provides various programs and services to prevent and respond to the abuse and exploitation of children in the Philippines. Founded in 1987, Bahay Tuluyan operates three shelters in Manila, Laguna, and Quezon and provides programs, shelter, and other services to empower children, youth, families, and the community with the goal of reducing violence and abuse among children.  http://www.bahaytuluyan.org

DysrupIT™ and SolCyber Partner to Offer 24/7 Managed Security Service for Small and Medium Businesses

Providing round-the-clock protection to keep businesses secure.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – Cloud and as-a-Service advocate, DysrupIT™ has announced a strategic alliance with managed security services provider, SolCyber. DysrupIT™ has bolstered its existing cyber security service by now offering their clients an affordable, comprehensive 24/7 managed Security-as-a-Service, powered by SolCyber.

SolCyber enables organisations to achieve cyber resilience with their innovative and modern managed security services. The company offers a comprehensive solution utilising leading technologies and services in a cost-effective model. It provides protection across the entire threat lifecycle with 24/7 SOC support. Customers can achieve a nation-state level of security at a lower cost, in less than 30 days.

“Our partnership with SolCyber is a strategic addition to our cyber security service offering,” says DysrupIT™ Head of Alliances and Partnerships, Marco Hermosura. “In today’s current threat landscape and cyber skills shortages, we want to offer a robust and complete security solution that can be scaled from small business through to enterprise. Our managed security, “Powered by SolCyber”, combines our significant security assets, tools, processes, and expertise, allowing organisations to quickly improve their cyber security posture through an affordable and simple monthly subscription. Being cloud driven and with our joint global support footprint, DysrupIT’s extended security services can provide protection to our clients regardless of their location and time zone.”

The security Teams in DysrupIT™ and SolCyber have significant combined experience in cyber threat detection and management. Clients that subscribe to the Security-as-a-Service offering have direct access to this knowledge through a dedicated client management team.

“Knowing Marco and the team well, we really appreciate their security acumen, pedigree and massive knowledge of security market. We are very excited to be working with them as our primary MSP partner for the Asia Pacific region, and we are confident that they have the focus, knowledge, and experience to assist small to mid-sized organizations build their cyber resilience and security posture to handle the most sophisticated of threats,” said Scott McCrady, CEO of SolCyber. “With the recent spate of high-profile breaches in Australia and the Region, there are hundreds of smaller organizations falling under the radar that have been breached — many that have been unable to recover quickly or at all. With SolCyber’s Foundational Coverage, now available through DysruptIT, businesses can experience a whole new approach. We’re disrupting legacy MSSP providers by delivering Fortune 500-level managed security in an incredibly affordable manner that is simple to implement and enhances speed and agility.”

DysrupIT™ CEO Andrew McCarroll commented, “The alliance with SolCyber fits seamlessly into our strategy of helping clients transform their business: moving them to Cloud and migrating from legacy models to as-a-Service. We already support clients across our operations, at an enterprise level with SaaS applications such as Oracle and to a granular level as with Couchbase’s database-as-a-service. Extending our relationships to provide consumption-based security gives Company Boards affordable options that can be implemented quickly and with no major CAPEX requirement.”

About DysrupIT

DysrupIT is an Australian IT Services provider working with Australian companies and governments to address complex business challenges, from digital transformation to cybersecurity.  Industry leaders from DysrupIT™ and SolCyber will co-manage this innovative service. For more information, go to https://dysrupit.com/cyber-security/.

Ready to take your cyber security to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about how DysrupIT, powered by SolCyber’s comprehensive security solutions, can protect your business and reduce risk. Email Marco Hermosura at [email protected]

About SolCyber

SolCyber, a Forgepoint Capital company, is the first modern MSSP to deliver a curated stack of enterprise strength security tools and services that are streamlined, accessible and affordable for any organization. SolCyber is disrupting the status quo, by providing a new standard of managed security services that work to reduce cyber risk, wastage, and complexity. We believe in a secure environment for all. For more information about SolCyber, visit www.solcyber.com.

DysrupIT™ Appoints Guruprasad Murty as India Country Manager

IT Industry expert, Guruprasad Murty, has joined Australian headquartered IT services company, DysrupIT™ to open and manage its Delivery Centre in Bengaluru, India.

Guru brings to the DysrupIT™ Team more than 30 years of building and managing IT service delivery organisations, supporting global clients with a wide range of business solutions. Chief Executive Officer of DysrupIT, Andrew McCarroll, says, “Guru is well known to the Team at DysrupIT. We have a tremendous amount of respect and trust in his experience. He will do an excellent job building and nurturing our new family in India.”

DysrupIT™ supports partners and clients in investing in the Cloud and adopting as-a-Service business models. The new India Delivery Centre will work seamlessly with its existing Philippines hub in supporting its expanding capabilities.

Andrew McCarroll says, “The combined capabilities of our Philippines and Indian Delivery Centres will extend our service coverage, with a big focus on helping customers to better navigate the global skills shortage by complementing in-house IT operations with DysrupIT.”

The Company’s Indian Delivery Centre will be operational at the start of 2023.