DysrupIT’s Inaugural Bahay Tuluyan Fundraiser: A Massive Success
Last August 24, 2023, DysrupIT’s inaugural Bahay Tuluyan Annual Fundraiser, which aimed to raise awareness and garner support for Bahay Tuluyan, an organisation dedicated to safeguarding children in the Philippines, reached its goal and doubled it successfully.
The event’s success proves that with giving hearts, we can go beyond the event’s projected goals, allowing us to make a massive impact on the lives of the children in the Philippines.
Everyone came together as a community, pooling all efforts to ensure the children under Bahay Tuluyan’s care in the Philippines remain safe and protected. Each person’s contribution made a huge difference. Your kindness in sharing valuable items for our auction, engaging in the bidding, sending generous donations, and joining us for a memorable dinner in Sydney will provide shelter and security for these children, shielding them from the average of 18 to 20 typhoons that the country faces yearly.
Moreover, your gift will advance Bahay Tuluyan’s mission and objectives, creating a brighter and more secure future for these vulnerable children. Bahay Tuluyan runs ten programs that provide a holistic, rights-based and empowering approach to development for young people. These programs focus on Resilient Children, Empowered Youth, Safe Families & Child Friendly Communities. The organisation aims to achieve its vision of a world where every child’s rights are respected, protected, and fulfilled.
This early, we encourage all of you to join us for an even more remarkable event in 2024. It’s never too early to express your support or get involved. If you’re interested in joining this meaningful journey, please don’t hesitate to contact Alexandra Brookes, who can provide you with more information on contributing and participating.
Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks for everyone’s overwhelming support. The success of this event belongs to all of you who lent a helping hand, shared resources, and believed in the power of collective action. Together, we are making a positive difference in the lives of these children.

With an impressive professional background in cybersecurity, Elizabeth has held key executive positions throughout Asia-Pacific and Japan. Her extensive experience has played a pivotal role in the exceptional growth and success of DysrupIT™. Her invaluable expertise has transformed the company into a thriving multi-million-dollar global enterprise.